cardigan coat and box top all well.jpg


Notes on process, on being, on feelings, on life -- all the all well! 

our commitment to anti-racism

the work is ongoing ☁️ We are continuing to work on developing sewing patterns and resources, slowly and surely, and we are continuing to learn and work for racial justice, and a more equitable society. 


We are committing to engaging differently than we did before. All Well has grown to a reach of almost 10k instagram followers and a few thousand sales in the first year, and is a collaboration by two white people — here are some of the ways we plan to reflect that responsibility: 

☁️ All Well (the business side of things, not just us as two individual collaborators) will be making monthly donations to anti-racist efforts from this point forward
☁️ we will work to support and amplify the work of Black makers. we aren’t sure exactly how this will look yet, but we’re making a plan to put our reach and access to use
☁️ sharing anti-racist tools and resources that are helping us learn {{ the first post is here:}} 
☁️ we are committed to sourcing our materials sustainably, and prioritizing bipoc owned businesses as much as possible
☁️ you can always reach out to us with ideas, questions, and ways we can help

This is just a start, there are many more things we need to do and we’ll continue to lay out more concrete actions as we grow and things come up. Like sewing, this work takes learning, humility, intentionality, patience, and commitment. We’re grateful to be a part of this community, and excited to continue to work alongside you.

Amy BornmanComment